
Angela Skeete Davis

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

What Is Your Function?

Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function, (Romans 12:4 NLT)

Today's Prayer
Dear Lord, I humbly come to Your throne of grace. I turn my mind over to You. Lord I pray that You help me to be more open minded about the possibilities You. Lord forgive me for limiting You by trying to define You. I know that You have been called by many names such as Supreme Being, Master of The Universe, Lord of Lords, The Creator, Jehovah, Allah, Nike, Zeus, Chief Counselor, Buddha, Yahweh, El Shaddai, Yah, Savior, King of Kings, Eloah, Elah, Hakadosh, Redeemer, Messiah and many more. Let it not matter to me what somebody else chooses to call You. I want to make it a priority to call You for myself. I want to know You in a way that's personal and real for me. I'm tired of everybody else telling me who and what You are. I need You to remove all the chatter and clutter from my life. I need Your Holy Spirit to guide and direct me. I need Love to lift me higher and carry me above my sights, sounds, situations and circumstances. I need the Great I Am to do a great thing in my life. Let me embrace open-mindedness, willingness and acceptance. Allow them to lead me to a path of peace, serenity and courage. Amen and so it is.

Is It 

Is it true
Is it really You
Is it destiny
Is it plain to see
Is it for me
Is it mine for the taking
Is it real, no faking
Is it all that
It is, in fact

Written by Marc Christmas

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