
Angela Skeete Davis

Monday, September 29, 2014

are you into flowers, friendship and love?

Sometimes i think my appreciation of friendship and love grew from my love of flowers. Friendship and love are like flowers in our garden - the more flowers receive love (water, sun, nourishment) the more they grow and the more beautiful they become. so it is with friendship and love.  the more we nourish them - through attention, connection, interest, communication, the more they blossom, grow and increase in beauty. it's like the saying by Hans Christian Andersen...
"Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower."

The other day, I felt so good, I bought myself a huge bouquet of  flowers. It was wonderful and special because I love flowers. I love their colors and textures. I love their shapes and sizes. I love the ones with a scent and the ones without. I… just love flowers. I firmly believe flowers are beauty and we should fill our arms with flowers and our lives with beauty. I also believe love and friendship are beauty and we should fill our lives to overflowing with love and with friends.

I often wonder why I have such an affinity… attraction for flowers. I think it is because surrounding myself with flowers (and plants) is cultivating my own, personal garden. It is my own slice of sunshine, my own patch of happiness, and every time I look at them or water them, I am enhancing my happiness, my sunshine, my paradise. Every time I water them or spray them or feed them, I am nourishing my environment, and in return, they nourish me. In a sense, I am loving that which loves me back.

I firmly believe surrounding yourself with things you find beautiful brings sunshine to your soul. My home, as you can imagine, is filled with photography and sculpture, and candles and paintings, music and books, comforters and plants and flowers, lots of flowers (hell, lots of most of these things - I tend to be a bit of a pack-rat). All of these things are, to me, beautiful. All of these things warm my heart when I look at or touch or smell them. They all truly bring sunshine to my soul. But flowers, i think are my favorites.
If I could, I would have bouquets of flowers in every room. Flowers overflowing vases, their petals spilled out and onto tables and counters. Fragrances of spices and sweetness and citrus blending and filling my heart; oxygen filling my lungs. Flowers are love and I definitely want a life filled with love - love of family and friends; old loves and new loves, anticipated love and comfortable love. I also want a life filled with friends - true friends, dear friends, intimate friends, comfortable friends. I cannot imagine life without love, a daily existence without friends to share it with, continuing my journey alone. We thrive in community - we thrive in the presence of mother nature, with thrive with the beauty of flowers surrounding us.

Flowers are not only beautiful, they are fragile, and yet, for all their fragility, they are sturdy. They start as seeds. They endure harsh weather conditions. They push through hard dirt seeking sun. They suffer through rains, storms, heavy winds and drought to face the world and then live a short life. Yet that life is one non-stop adventure. They turn their faces to the heavens and endure. They bring beauty and sweet fragrance into our lives. Yes, flowers are fragile things of beauty, but they are also creations of indomitable will and strength. As Alexandra Stoddard said in her book, Choosing Happiness, “There is such tenderness in flowers …. (they) remind me how beautiful and fragile life is. Consider the supreme dignity of a single flower.”

So too are friendships; so too is love. They are fragile in their simplicity. There is beauty in the joy they bring us and bring into our lives and they can survive storms, battles, breakdowns, and chaos. They survive if and when we cherish them and nourish them; give them our time and attention. I love to surround myself with friends and family. I like to cook for them, cook with them, spend time with them, laugh and dance and have deep conversations with them. Being with people I love, satisfies my spirit, warms my heart and fulfills my soul.

So, surround yourself with the beauty of creation. Surround yourself with the beauty of the creativity of “man”. Surround yourself with the things that bring beauty into your life and appreciate just how beautiful and fragile love and friendship are, but also remember how strong and resilient they are. True love and friendship can survive any weather. Know this - bringing beauty into your life brings sunshine to your soul. Bring love and friendship into your life.

Flowers, friendship and love are the beauty of creation. Harken to what they have to teach. Share in the joy of their presence in your life. Connect. Be open, Tell someone of your love. Make a friend. Bring more beauty to the world. Know that you are beauty as well.

Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature.
-- Gerard De Nerval --
-- written by asd --
photographers (other than James S. Deptuch) unknown

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