
Angela Skeete Davis

Monday, August 25, 2014

Monday Meditation

Happy Monday
susanne van hulst

"Quiet the mind, and the soul will speak." 
-- Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati--

Let's try a joyful meditation  -
Sit as comfortable and as upright as possible.
rest your hands open and uncross your legs
drop your shoulders and slightly tuck in your chin
breath through your nose
smile... yes... put a smile on your face
keep your eye focused on something just above you or half close them... or... if you like close them all the way... whichever feels the most comfortable for you.

now take slow, deep breaths and tell yourself to relax with each breath.
pay attention to your breaths as you tell each part of your body to relax from your head down to your feet.
when you are relaxed repeat to yourself "I am joyful, life is fun"
say it to yourself with each breath

as you say this, imagine invisible smiles floating down through your body.
as they float down feel how they help wherever they touch feel relaxed and warm.
if you feel any discomfort, itching or pain, encourage the smiles to land on that area and suggest to the area that it can relax and enjoy the moment of smiles.
continue to breath in smiles and to let the smiling energy float down, touching and relaxing every part of your body.

When you are finished, tell yourself that life will be more enjoyable and you will be more joyful if you smile and relax just a little bit more. Then rest a moment and relax in the space of your meditation. When you are ready, get up and return to your day. Every now and then, throughout the day,  stop, take three deep breaths and say "I am joyful, life is fun."

written by asd (with some assistance from john a. bright-fey... thank you)

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