When my daughter was very young, we experienced a major tragedy. She dealt with it by burying herself in books. My friends and I dealt with it by playing music, lots of music. Lots of gospel music. My daughter’s favorite song, back then, was "I’m Going up the Rough Side of the Mountain".
One day I asked her why she liked the song so much. She said that the people who go up the rough side of the mountain are really lucky. They have rocks and things to hold on to and to put their feet on and those rocks and things allow the climbers to get to the top. But, those going up the smooth side will never get to the top because the smooth side has nothing to hold on to and nowhere to put your feet. All those people will do is slide back down to the bottom. She said those who go up the rough side of the mountain are supposed to go over to the smooth side of the mountain to help up those who can’t get up there on their own.
What is that expression …“Out of the mouths of babes”?
So today may this be your reflection …
Let us befriend at least one of those going up the smooth side of the mountain.
Let us reach down to help a fellow climber up the smooth side of the mountain to the mountaintop.
Today, if we are the one going up the smooth side, let us not be afraid or ashamed to seek to be “friended” by a fellow climber at the top.
Let us …then … enjoy the kindness of the friend who helps us to the mountaintop.
Let us be grateful for the journey and the blessings along the way
Let us be grateful for the rough side of the mountain and the opportunity to make it to the top.
Let us be grateful for friends
-- written by asd --
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