
Angela Skeete Davis

Monday, May 5, 2014

How Do You Love?

Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. (Galatians 5:14 KJV)

Today's Prayer
Lord, I get it, You want me to love others in the right way. Does that mean I have to like them? I pray that You teach me to love those persons that I don't like very much. Show me how to have compassion for that person who hardly ever speaks back when I say hello, or that inconsiderate neighbor who acts like the world revolves around them. Teach me to really love that person with the foul mouth who indiscriminately talks loud and cusses in front of small children and the elderly without concern for effect on those within earshot. Lord, help me not want to respond to that disrespectful individual in the same manner in which they treat everyone else. Help me not to provoke others to wrath with my self righteous behavior. If any of these things be acts of love, then let me be the love You would have me to be. Amen and so it is.

Wherefore Art Thou?
A classic line of Shakespearian verse
Romeo & Juliet is where I heard it first
What did he mean
Why did He write it that way
Is it still a relevant expression
Can I use it today

Wherefore art thou mom
Wherefore art thou dad
Don't you hear me longing for you
Don't you care that I'm sad

Wherefore art thou friend
Wherefore art thou brother
Do you see what's going on
Do you notice how I suffer

Wherefore art thou my child
Wherefore art thou my love
Open your ears and hear Me calling
Gently beckoning you from above

I see your pain
I feel your grief
Come unto Me,
I will give you rest
I will give you relief

Written by Marc Christmas

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