
Angela Skeete Davis

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

The Torah According to Potter

This a fascinating look at the world of Potter. It will be shared in several parts... take a look

The Torah According to Potter
Rabbi Isaac Serotta
Yom Kippur 5766

The past two summers at camp I have had the opportunity to witness a unique phenomenon. I have been at Camp Olin-Sang-Ruby on Harry Potter Day. Even those of you who have not read the books or seen the movies are probably familiar with the cultural juggernaut of Potter-mania, but it is really something to see it first hand with hundreds of children.
The Potter books tell the story of a boy becoming a man against the backdrop of Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry. This magical place is an imaginary location in the real world but hidden from the non-magic eye. Camp is also a magical place. In the world of Hogwarts, wizard mail is delivered by owls who come flitting in with packages and letters attached to their legs. At camp, the more prosaic delivery service is FedEx. 24 hours after the Potter books are released, hundreds of packages arrive at camp at once, as parents send their children books by overnight mail. Those who don't have copies of their own, bide their time and wait for a friend to finish and then devour the books for themselves. One boy I saw, shared his book by reading chapter one, tearing it out of his book and passing it on to his friend so that they could read the book in one sitting together nearly simultaneously.
I have never seen anything read with more enthusiasm, or absorbed more fully by young people than these books. On the one hand I could wish that our children would have the same hunger for the stories of Torah as they do for Harry Potter. But, on the other, the joy is infectious. I have been sharing these books one by one with my own son Hudy. Now he is old enough to read them on his own, but the ritual we've established is so firmly entrenched that he still allows and in fact desires that I read it to him at night, chapter by chapter. I suspect that once the last Potter book is done next year, that will be the end of an era for me as well, as I may be done reading aloud to my son as well.
These books are not the greatest literature ever written. They are not even the greatest children's books, but that doesn't mean that they're not good. They are far better than many of the books that offer children little encouragement to think. They are filled with fun and fantasy and they are stories that generate conversations well worth having.
And, in a way, they open minds to faith and Torah as well. They certainly appeal to the imagination. And imagination is crucial to religious faith. We cannot explain religion in scientific terms. We are called to believe in an invisible God, battle unseen forces, and even to do good to those who harm us. This is stuff that really requires a religious imagination. We must see more than the eyes can see. We are asked by faith to believe in more than our senses can apprehend. Such imaginative openness to life's possibilities may well require a cultivation of imagination. The Harry Potter books do exactly that. They cultivate in us a willingness to look for the things that are unseen, but not unreal. Magic is real in the books, but the real magic of them is that they tell remarkable tales of friendship, valor, and virtue. These stories can be a gateway that allows religion to be plausible rather than implausible. If you can suspend disbelief for the magic of Harry Potter, then the stories of miracles in the bible that are the backdrop for the moral lessons of Judaism can be open to the whole Harry Potter generation.
-- by Rabbi Isaac Serotta --

how do relationships work?

Most people enter into relationships with an eye toward what they can get out of them, rather than what they can put into them.

The purpose of a relationship is to decide what part of yourself you'd like to see "show up," not what part of another you can capture and hold.
-- Neale Donald Walsch --

I had the most interesting conversation the other day about a couple I know. They have been married twenty-one years. They have three children and seem as happy and in love today as they did over thirty years ago, when they first got together. My friend said they really seemed to belong together and asked if I knew how they did it. I couldn't really answer her question, but it got me to thinking about this book I read a while back about relationships. It is by Neale Donald Walsh. He says...
“When our reason for relationships is aligned with our soul's reason for being, not only are our relationships understood to be sacred, they are rendered joyful as well."

According to him, a great relationship is one of truth-telling. He says there are five levels 1) you tell the truth about yourself; 2) you tell the truth to yourself about another; 3) you tell the truth about another to yourself; and 4) when you tell the truth about another to that other; 5) you tell the truth to everyone about everything. He also says relationships fail because people enter into them for the wrong reasons; that the only way a relationship can work is for both parties "to agree, consciously, that the purpose of their relationship is to create an opportunity for growth, for full self-expression, for lifting each others lives to their highest potential, for healing every false thought or small idea each has ever had about themselves, and for ultimate reunion with GOD through the communion of their two souls"

Monday, September 29, 2014

A Sunday Guided Meditation

Monday Meditation - abundance

Happy Monday
susanne van hulst
Quiet the mind and the soul will speak.

Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavita

Let’s try an abundance meditation

sit as comfortable and as upright as possible.
rest your hands open and uncross your legs
drop your shoulders and slightly tuck in your chin
breath through your nose
smile... yes... put a smile on your face
keep your eye focused on something just above you or half close them... or... if you like close them all the way... whichever feels the most comfortable for you.

now take slow, deep breaths and tell yourself to relax with each breath.
pay attention to your breaths as you tell each part of your body to relax from your head down to your feet.
when you are relaxed repeat to yourself "I am abundance, I open myself to abundance, life is abundance"
say it to yourself with each breath

As you say this, bring your attention to a spot about three inches to the left of your chest area and inward toward the center of your body (your core).
Imagine that the air around you fills with a thick liquid. The liquid is so thick you relax completely into it. It cradles you gently keeping you safe and secure. It connects you to everyone and integrates you with your surroundings.
Through this, you can sense and feel abundance in your environment. You can feel abundance within you. The energetic vibrations of abundance are being transmitted to you through the thick air.
You are the center of this thickness and all abundance flows through the air to you. Open yourself and receive the abundance flowing to you and through you.
Listen to yourself and hear you inner radar speak abundance to you. Know that you are supported and connected to the abundance around you. Rest in this abundance, knowing you will manifest this abundance in your life and the world.

When you are finished, tell yourself that you will be abundant and that life will promote you and help you to grow, prosper and be abundant. Rest a moment and relax in the space of your meditation. When you are ready, get up and return to your day. every now and then, throughout the day,  stop, take three deep breaths and say "I am abundant, life is good."

-- written by asd --
-- (with some assistance from john a. bright-fey... thank you) --

are you into flowers, friendship and love?

Sometimes i think my appreciation of friendship and love grew from my love of flowers. Friendship and love are like flowers in our garden - the more flowers receive love (water, sun, nourishment) the more they grow and the more beautiful they become. so it is with friendship and love.  the more we nourish them - through attention, connection, interest, communication, the more they blossom, grow and increase in beauty. it's like the saying by Hans Christian Andersen...
"Just living is not enough... one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower."

The other day, I felt so good, I bought myself a huge bouquet of  flowers. It was wonderful and special because I love flowers. I love their colors and textures. I love their shapes and sizes. I love the ones with a scent and the ones without. I… just love flowers. I firmly believe flowers are beauty and we should fill our arms with flowers and our lives with beauty. I also believe love and friendship are beauty and we should fill our lives to overflowing with love and with friends.

I often wonder why I have such an affinity… attraction for flowers. I think it is because surrounding myself with flowers (and plants) is cultivating my own, personal garden. It is my own slice of sunshine, my own patch of happiness, and every time I look at them or water them, I am enhancing my happiness, my sunshine, my paradise. Every time I water them or spray them or feed them, I am nourishing my environment, and in return, they nourish me. In a sense, I am loving that which loves me back.

Are You Gone Call?

Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not. (Jeremiah 33:3 KJV)

Today's Prayer
God, please answer my prayer. I'm in desperate need and don't have a lot of time to go into all the details. You already know them anyway. Lord, I know You hear me. If it be Your will, please, answer me. I need You. Not now, but right now. Amen and so it is. 

I Want To Know
Can You to shed some light
I want to know the future
I want to know that I'm right
I want wisdom and secret insight
I want to know what tomorrow brings
I want everything to be alright 
I want to know
Who can I call
Where can I go
I really, really, just want to know

Written by Marc Christmas 

Sunday, September 28, 2014

What Kind Of Noise Do You Make?

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. (Psalms 100:1 KJV)

Today's Prayer
Lord, I want to thank You for being God all by Yourself. I'm so glad that You are the head of my life. When I go astray, You come get me, and safely carry me back to the fold where I am provided for and protected. I don't deserve the love that You extend unto me, but You grant it anyway. Your goodness and mercy extend further than my eyes can see across the horizon. I worship You. I praise Your holy name. I just want to take time out to say "thank Ya Lord" for all that You've done for me. I'm pretty much a sinner who sins over and over again. Sometimes I know to do better, but choose to do the opposite. I can be my own worst enemy. You love me nevertheless. You rescue me and give me the opportunity to do better the next time. I'm so grateful that I don't have to be perfect for You, just willing. I pray for the willingness to be obedient and the courage to do what You would have me to do. Lord, let me not be distracted or discouraged by naysayers and haters. I pray that I will accept who and what You made me to be, a child of the Most High King. As long as I know it and believe it, that's what counts. Your opinion is all that matters anyway. Amen and so it is. 

Noise Reduction
Your hate is so loud
You say I'm too proud
You hate so strong
You think God can't right my wrongs
You hate with precision 
You doubt He healed my condition
You whisper in the night
You tell others I ain't right
You make faces at how I walk
You laugh about how I talk 
False accusations you spread
You place doubt in peoples' heads
You quick to spread the word 
You're famous for "know what I heard"
You cackle about me sinning
You real quiet about me winning
You real quiet about my new life
You real quiet about my lack of strife
You real quiet when I move along
You real quiet when I sing a new song
You real quiet about my peace
You real quiet about His favor unleashed
You real quiet when I do good
Your quiet, it's understood
You real quiet when I overcome
You real quite about what God has done

Written by Marc Christmas  

Saturday, September 27, 2014

are you expressing gratitude?

I purchased The Secret, on DVD and on CD when it first came out some yeras ago, Over the yeras I have listened to and watched it many , many times and one of the things that always stands out is the reference to taking time to say thank you.

It stood out because during several of the periods in my life when things have seemed rather hopeless... sometimes, before I lamented and complained, I would say thanks for the things that were going right. I figured it would only take a second and then I could get to the stuff really bugging me. Often, however, I would find so much to be thankful for, I would forget what I wanted to complain about.

The Secret recommends that you take time out each day to say thank you for all the things you are grateful for. When I started watching the DVD, I was at a low in my life and figured I would give it a try - it could only help. So I gave it ago. Today, I still try to find time each day to say thank you. Sometimes first thing in the morning, sometimes just before bed and sometimes all throughout the day. I do believe it has helped me to realize all the things, blessings, miracles, and magic I have in my life - even on days when things truly seem bleak. I still sometimes complain after my thanks, but more often now, I am filled with joy and happiness when I think of all my blessings.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Are you at peace?

How do we bring peace into our lives? The books I have read suggest meditation. It is supposed to ground your spirit, put you more in tune with your body and your inner you and give you peace. I am working on that. I try to meditate as often as I can; lately meditating at least three to four times a week. I find it does keep me more grounded and in tune with the needs of my inner me. I find that I am more at peace when I practice meditation. It does work. The hardest part is just finding or rather carving out time to meditate.

As I think about peace, I think of the people in my life who exude peace and serenity while their lives are in turmoil. When I ask them how this could be, they say they don’t let the turmoil around them touch them. They tell me to let go of the things that make me crazy, to let go of past issues that bring me down. When I tell them it is not so easy, they agree, but say that is what makes it worth it. I am trying to do those things as well - let go of the things that make me crazy. It does work, but it is also not easy...

Faith Friday

I thank You God and I won't forget Your benefits:
Forgiving my sins, Healing me, Redeeming my life, Crowning me with steadfast love and mercy, Satisfying me with good and Renewing me with youth!
Psalms 103:1-5

I believe by faith that because of my relationship with Jesus, the best things in life and undeserved favor follow me everywhere I go.
Psalms 23:6

I will not let my past mistakes keep me from my God-given purpose. I believe by faith that it is time to drop my pot and pick up my purpose! John 4:28-29

Thank You God for Your correction. Even though I don't like it, I know there is a purpose. I believe by faith that correction from God will be a blessing for me. Likewise, I won't be afraid to correct my own children. It will give me peace. 
Hebrews 12:7-15
Proverbs 29:17-19

When I fear, wait for, rejoice in and hope in The Lord, I believe by faith that help, protection and undeserved favor is mine in all situations that I face!
Psalms 33:18-22

I believe by faith that when I am obedient to what God says do, God is obligated to bless me and my family. 
Deuteronomy 11:13-15

Written by Lawrence Smith

Do You Deserve It?

So we have stopped evaluating others from a human point of view. And all of this is a gift from God...And God has given us this task of reconciling people to him...And he gave us this wonderful message of reconciliation. (2 Corinthians 5:14, 16-21 NLT)

Today's Prayer
Dear God, help me to see You in others, including myself.I'm praying for courage to step up to the plate today. If Your will demands a higher calling for me, then so be it. Help me to press on towards that mark. Touch my life and draw me closer to You. I'm asking for the following:
-Comfort on difficult days
-Smiles when sadness intrudes
-Rainbows to follow the clouds
-Laughter to kiss my lips
-Sunsets to warm my heart
-Gentle hugs when my spirit sags
-Friendships to brighten my being
-Beauty for my eyes to see
-Confidence for when I doubt
-Faith so that I can believe
-Courage to know myself
-Patience to accept the truth, and
-Love to complete my life
Amen and so it is.

Give it to me
Don't take it back
I need it more than ever
I promise you that

Are You There?
Come on,
Let's see
If I can see the God in You, and
You can see the God in me

Written by Marc Christmas 

Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Road to Happiness Inspirational Movie - Movie

The Road to Happiness Inspirational Movie - Movie

Thoughtful Thursday - are we growing together?

I have so much in my head and heart to share I am just not sure where to begin. So bear with me if I seem to ramble. That is not my intent. First, a friend implied that when you are friends with a writer/blogger, you take the chance of being part of their writings. I know that to be true and this is proof.

I am reading this book and am at the part where the author seems to be saying that we, as individual and collective egos, seem to need and thrive on competition and conflict. I am not sure I agree since I long for peace in my life. But I am conflicted myself (LOL). You see, I also agree. It seems the closer I get to living the life I long for, the more strife seems to come with the package. It is almost as if the “devil” is aware and doing all he can to prevent me from getting to my small haven of peace and joy and happiness. However, I do not worry any longer - I have vowed to never give up...

My point, I find  there are people in life who are also where I am, either consciously or unconsciously, and they are going through the same things. Where am I? I am here… in the now… being me. I am taking what few steps I can to change my perception of the ego, or at least I am doing my part to be authentically me, the me beneath my ego, my own little bit of awareness.

What am I talking about? Today I had a conversation with someone (let’s call this person B) who, for years, I hated talking to because our conversations always left me angry. B always said something to irk, annoy or irritate me. But lately I have found our conversations to be a blessing. Part of me would like to say B has really changed and that is why our conversations are better. But I know that is only half the story. I have also changed. Together we have changed, and that change has allowed us the ability to talk and share and love together. I am so grateful and blessed.

Where am I going with all this? The other day, B said something I thought was monumental… something profound in its simplicity (it occurs to me that we sometimes miss things in life because we expect significant things to be complicated or monumental when instead, things are sometimes so simple we miss it). To simplify a long conversation, B said that she and her spouse were reading a transformation book together and sharing its lessons together. I thought, WOW! That is what I want. Someone I can share a book with that is supposed to be transforming. That way we transform and grow together. I think relationships often fail because the two do not grow together, the two make no attempts to share all aspects of their lives, where possible, together. I will never forget what B said to me.

When I finally find the person I want to share my life with, I will do the best I can to ensure that it is someone I can share growing and transforming with so that neither of us leaves the other behind. In the meantime, I will work on the relationships I have - family and friends. I will open up, be connected, be vulnerable and share. I will show up  in the relationship to ensure we do not grow apart; to ensure that we grow and transform together

I think this is a moment of clarity of emotion. I think this is profound for me because it is the clarity of emotion I crave. Clearly God/the Universe/the Ultimate Energy/ the Highest Love is giving me the opportunity to receive the thing I ask for and am working towards. I am just glad that I was actually being mindful, actually in the moment… and that I had the discernment to hear and receive.

This week, seek discernment in your life. This week check your relationships. Are you letting people you care about slip away because you are allowing yourself to grow apart from them? If so… and ifthat is not what you want, find ways to include them in your growth. Find ways to get them on the same page as you so that the two of you will be able to share the journey of self-growth (true, inner self-growth) together. Find ways to be open and connected.  Be willing to be vulnerable. Be committed...and while you are doing so, be MINDFUL. ENJOY THE MOMENT!!! And until next time…Take care of you.

The supreme end of education is expert discernment in all things--the power to tell the good from the bad, the genuine from the counterfeit, and to prefer the good and the genuine to the bad and the counterfeit.”

-- Author unknown --

-- written by asd --

Could This Be Love?

Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love—and the greatest of these is love. (1 Corinthians 13:7, 13 NLT)

Today's Prayer
Dear Love, I call on You today to guide my way. I need Your wisdom, and strength to battle uncertainty and discouragement. I need to know that You are a conqueror over all things, that the battle is not mine, it's Yours. I believe that You want the best for me, and all things work together for them that love You. Let me be the love that You would have me to be. Let Your love shine bright in my actions, in my thoughts, and in my speech. Thank You for Your everlasting love that established the heavens and the earth, and will stand the test of time.  In Your name I pray. Amen, and so it is. 

Every time I go to type Love, I type Live
Maybe I need love to live
Maybe to really live, I need love

The kinda of love that wakes up early before the sunrise
The kinda of love that that takes joy in making a surprise 
The kinda love that always understands
The kinda love that turns a boy into a  grown man
The kinda of love that is plain to see
The kinda of love that celebrates and despises envy
The kinda of love that will carry me through
The kinda of love that God promised to me and to you

This must be love
Real love 
I'm talking real love

Written by Marc Christmas

"This FEAR Is GOD"

For thou didst form my inward parts: Thou didst cover me in my mother’s womb. I will give thanks unto thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: Wonderful are thy works; And that my soul knoweth right well.

Breakfast for The Brethren. The scripture this morning said "I am FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY MADE." Fear has a completely different connotation in this context. Because fear in the layman's sense is not of GOD. Fear in this instance means with extreme care and deliberate intention. HE had a specific purpose in mind and knew full well that there would never be another like you. With that in mind here is the take away and the Challenge for The Brethren. God's creation was an action with specific intent for a specific effect and purpose. You and YOU only are Fearfully and Wonderfully Made for Your Purpose. The Challenge Dear Brethren is to always let your actions be thoughtful, specific, and fearful in purpose. Praise God In All Dear Brethren. I stand and live because HE bled and died. Be Encouraged Beloved Brethren. Be Encouraged.

Written by James D. Shanks

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Wonderful Women Wednesday

“There are women who make things better...simply by showing up. There are women who make things happen. There are women who make their way. There are women who make a difference. And women who make us smile. There are women of wit and wisdom who- through strength and courage- make it through. There are women who change the world everyday... Women like you.”
-- Ashley Rice --

Friendship is about making the effort to show up in a relationship
Friendship is not about sending a representative

Friendship is doubling the joy of happy times
and diving the helps make life even better

Friendship is not about harping on the negative
or harboring resentments from the past

Friendship is not jealousy over another's successes
Friendship is help and succor and strength and support

Female friendships are living, breathing, viable things
they should be honored, cherished, and appreciated
because they manage to survive despite and because of...

women are strength and love. women are compassion and understanding. women hold each other up, support each other through hard times, laugh together at the ironies of life and cry when life disappoints them.

women endure childbirth, double standards, rape, abuse, mistreatment and never give up or give in. we are all queens and we protect our kings and our children. we look after and strive to save our earth and our environment. we are mother nature’s helpers and leaders of new beginnings and creators of new generations.

we give, create, connect, serve, lead, inspire, imagine, dream, believe, and hope. we never truly lose faith... and...we do it all with and through our friendships with one another.

i am proud to be a woman, to have women friendships, women family members, sisters and female mentors. we are women! we are succulent, wild, amazing, outrageous and fabulous! we are women making forward strides everyday. i honor us all!! women rock!!!!

-- written by asd --
sista girls cafe - friends for life
-- photograph of Fela Kuti Queens, Bernard Matussiere --

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Are you speaking words of encouragement?

Two Frogs - a friendship story

A group of frogs were traveling through the woods, and two of them fell into a deep pit. When the other frogs saw how deep the pit was, they told the two frogs that they were as good as dead. The two frogs ignored the comments and tried to jump up out of the pit with all their might. The other frogs kept telling them to stop, that they were as good as dead. Finally, one of the frogs took heed to what the other frogs were saying and gave up. He fell down and died.
The other frog continued to jump as hard as he could. Once again, the crowd of frogs yelled at him to stop the pain and just die. He jumped even harder and finally made it out. When he got out, the other frogs said, “Did you not hear us?” The frog explained to them that he was deaf. He thought they were encouraging him the entire time.
Moral: There is the power of life or death in the tongue. An encouraging word to someone who is down can lift them up and help them make it through the day. A discouraging word can hold them back, hurt their feelings or worse. So be careful of what you say. Speak life to those who cross your path, gave a compliment, offer a word of encouragement. The power of words…there is such powers in words that it is sometimes hard to understand an encouraging word can go a long way, can make such a difference in someone's someone's journey.
Friendship is about the least partly. We have to be aware of what we say as friends to our friends. The wrong word can end a friendship just as a couple of supporting words can strengthen one. We must never forget to speak to our friends as we would want them to speak to us - loving, kind, encouraging, supportive. After all,  we all want to be encouraged, supported and uplifted. encouraging, be kind, spread some love. It will come back to you.
-- written by asd --
sista girls cafe - friends for life

Musical Meditation: Office Music Detox Antistress Music & Peaceful Songs - Relaxing Meditati...

On your way to work? Take this with you for an all day meditation.  Enjoy your day. . . . .  

Monday, September 22, 2014

Grateful for it All

If you like to smile, then check out this amazing, inspiring video and song!


Moving On with Loving

That is really what I want to talk about. The immobilization that a bad end to loving can bring about. I have read many books and heard many say that we can control our emotions and that the emotions that others cause us to feel are their story and that, as such, we should be able to let go and move on with our own story. Deep inside, I know it is true - the people who break our hearts are not thinking about us or how we are feeling. Half the time, they don’t even realize that we are still lamenting that thing they said or did. So, if they can move on, we should move on. But to know it and then to believe it and act as if it true is each very different and very hard to do.

More importantly, you would think we would all want to let go of the negative effects of painful endings to love. You would think we would all want to just put them out of our minds - leaving space for the next good relationship. But we don’t. Letting go and moving on is like cleaning out the clothes in one’s closet. First, we have to make time to clean out the closet and there are always so many other things we would rather do. Then, we have to figure out what we are going to do with the things we decide to get rid of, which can be a hassle. Now, if we get past this stage and actually start to go through our closet, that is when the hard part begins. We keep things we no longer wear because we hate parting with things we have invested part of ourselves in. We tell ourselves that either we are actually going to wear that one day because the style is going to come back or we are going to lose those extra pounds. In reality, it is just easier to keep what we have than deal with throwing things out. We forget getting rid of old means making space for new.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Love Song - Elton John (Tumbleweed Connection 7 of 10)

why deny ourselves love?

This is about love. You may think this is a crazy statement; especially since it seems to me that love is pretty much all we talk about. Even when we are not talking about love, we are talking about love. It is what most of our conversations are about, at least underneath. When we complain about how others treat us, we are really complaining that they don’t treat us with love. When we look at all the “isms” and prejudices that we experience aren't they all about someone denying us love. And when we are happy or joyful isn't it really because something positive has happened to us that opens up our hearts to love

Maybe I am over-simplifying things. My point really is, we are made from love, for love, to love. When we deny ourselves the opportunity to experience love, in all its forms, we deny ourselves our very essence. In point of fact, we deny our spirits, our souls, ourselves the ultimate nourishment. You know, scientists have discovered that babies will emotionally die or become emotionally dysfunctional if not given love and affection the first year of their lives. So too, we die or become emotionally scarred if we are not given love, if we do not experience love. The profundity of it is almost mind-blowing.

So my question - why would we want to deny ourselves love? ...

Sunday Guided Meditation

The Soul's Flow Through The Body

Saturday, September 20, 2014

can relationships last?

Once your heart awakens to the need to be in relation with others - be a friend, be a lover, be a partner; the search should begin honestly and, you should know, it is a journey. A journey of self discovery as well as a discovery of the type of relationship you want, the type of people you want to be in relationship with and the type of person you are in a relationship. You should first determine what you are doing right as well as what you are doing wrong. Once you have figured that out, the real journey begins and once the real journey begins; you can never go back. From then on, you should be inflamed with a special longing to seek to be the best that you can be. You should never again choose to linger in the lowlands of complacency and partial fulfillment with regards to yourself and with regard to your relationships. While the need to be true to who you are can make you reluctant to compromise on your idea of a perfect relationship, it should not hold you back from striving toward the summit of true relationships … to have happy, healthy, loving, connected giving relationships which last forever, weathering all storms.
Having happy, healthy, loving connected relationships – the kind we choose to keep close to our hearts; the kind that will last for the long haul –means being able to fulfill certain requirements. These types of relationships must be, more often than not, consistent, contributing, self-revealing, and trustworthy.  Be consistent with your time and attention. Don’t just be the receiver of the benefits of the relationship, be a giver as well. Share who you truly are; share your hopes, dreams, secrets, and imperfections. Keep secrets and avoid being judgmental. Avoid constant negativity and toxic behavior. Connect with the person you are in relationship with. Be joyful when you are together and when you think of the people with whom you are in relationship.

Truthfully, you won’t always be all these things all the time, your relationships won't be all of these amazing things all the time, and you can't be in relationships without there being misunderstandings and hurt feelings at times. Striving toward these qualities, however, is the basis of lasting relationships. And isn't that really what we all want - to find people who love us and who we love and to have those relationships stand the test of time and trials and LAST!!!

-- written by asd --
photograph from agewise